Its set a precedent of allowing water to go outside of our basin, said Harvey. the called marveltrevor dion nicholas hamilton. Yes. Corporate Partners . From an engineering perspective and a geopolitical perspective, they are quite naive. We refer to the reference definition of stealing as defined by Webster as to appropriate to oneself or beyond ones proper share. Nestle is taking advantage of Michigans $200 permit to offer farmers the ability to pump groundwater for irrigation, not for selling. The largest, longest-standing and most controversial diversion from the Great Lakes is at Chicago, where the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, finished in 1900, reverses the Chicago River and connects Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. 14. Decades ago, the Ogallala Aquifer had an average depth of approximately 240 feet but today the average depth is just 80 feet. Great Lakes Water to Be Sold to China As Half of U.s. Faces Extreme 100 trays per bundle. Perhaps this is better categorized as a conspiracy theory. A public resource. One might expect the world's largest lakes to be very alike, but from depth to saline content, their properties can be quite different. It has been estimated that the state of New Mexico only has a 10 year supply of fresh water left. Much-needed rain in the Great Lakes basin helped water levels recover somewhat this summer. One so-called expert noted, Lake Michigan water is being shipped by boat loads over to China! In low level periods, I doubt western states that have become dependent on the diverted water will be happy about having the spigot closed. All three water protection bills were introduced by Democrats. Water is absolutely a commodity that should be bought and sold, he said, and a futures market for water would help to get water where it is needed.. We're giving you $10,000 to take the trip of a lifetime! If Nestle doubles its consumption, the Great Lakes will be drained in 16,000,000 years. However, the water collection is not directly from the lakes but the aquifers in the region. Recently the blogosphere and news sites have been bristling that Barack Obama is allowing water from the Great Lakes region to be pumped and sold to China. See our affiliate disclosure for details. I don't doubt it since a glass of tap water costs what? Gone is the healthy water storage that floated California through two dry years. or a relaxing all-inclusive resort getaway, Drought in the west, changing political dynamics could provide long-term challenges for the Great Lakes. However, given the stupefying absence of congressional compromise and the historic low regard even for SCOTUS, I would not risk Great Lakes security on any business or government extraction scheme. The most prominent of the bills is the one designed to prohibit shipment of bottled water outside the Great Lakes basin. Practically? For half of the cities analyzed, a . I heard they are poisoning us with this water, the bottles they are putting this water in is made from poisonous materials. Just ask residents of the Klamath Falls/Detroit Dam region in Oregon. How The Current Congress' "Upcycled" Bills Claim To End The Federal Grasp On Education Is Actually Undermining Americans Once Again, Taking Sides: The Christian's Responsibility in Civic Affairs II, EgyptAir MS804 Flight Attendant posted Picture on Facebook of Plane crashing a year before She Died, Blue Angels Marine Pilot Capt. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for China Taiwan 1966 Sc#1483-85 Festivals Stamps. You are lying, I have relatives there, and Nestle is pumping water out of there and putting it into big bags and on barges to be sold to China. Wisconsin author Peter Annin has the long view on diverting water from the Great Lakes and has authored two books on the topic. Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Record rainfall in the midwest over the last decade or two shows no signs of letting up. Staff, Thumbwind. Something to think about. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It must not have anything to do with man made things, like a massive new water pipe line going into the southern states. Ongoing winter storms wont be doing much to relieve some drought-stricken areas of the U.S. For much more on this, please see this article. Dont forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook and Twitter, and follow our friends at But the driest year on record has left the reservoirs so depleted and the delta so fragile that state water officials say they may be able to provide just 5 percent of the water he and others were expecting for next year. The ominous words of David Brauer of the Ogallala Research Service should alarm us all, Our goal now is to engineer a soft landing. The only point upon which we appear to agree is the fact that none of this is President Obamas doing, contrary to the monkey saymonkey mindlessly repeat style of right leaning bloggers and opinion writers, all of whom would benefit greatly from a months vacation from Fox, Vox and Bing. . who would win in a fight libra or sagittarius; advanced spelling bee words for adults; san antonio spurs coaching staff 2021; eeoc notice of appearance form; china stealing water from great lakes CBC News Posted: Jun 23, 2016 6:00 AM ET Last Updated: Jun 23, 2016 6:00 AM ET, Richard Harvey, mayor of the town of Nipigon in northwestern Ontario, says he is very disappointed by the decision to allow Waukesha, Wis., to divert water from Lake Michigan. Namtso. Current water control structures at the outlets of Lakes Superior and Ontario do very little in controlling the overall supply of water in the basin. Even more worrisome, the draining of the High Plains water account has picked up speed. More than 1,800 gigalitres of foreign-held water entitlements are within the Murray-Darling Basin, which is 9 . Ruining their economy sending all the larger industrail manufacturing jobs back to America and Europe. Calls to Take Over Nestle Bottling Plant to Help in Flint Water Crisis, Nestle Named a Top Plastic Polluter in Canada, Lame Duck Governors Want to Weaken Great Lakes Compact, Canada Plans for a Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron, Volunteering the Flint Water Crisis 5 Things I Learned, New Systems Monitor Great Lakes Algae Blooms including Michigans Saginaw Bay, High Levels of Arsenic in Michigan Water Wells. Since then, he has authored a vast range of content and established a loyal base of 75,000 visitors per month. Their lazy practice is to re-blog poorly written posts from inflammatory sites. There is a bit of truth to this. Theres no denying that we humans share some of the blame. In 1998 the Nova Group obtained a permit from Canadas Ontario Ministry of the Environment to export approximately 160 million gallons per year of water from Lake Superior for export to Asia in bulk containers. the choice is yours. Using the example from Lake Superior, even if each ship could carry 2.5 million gallons of water in bladder tanks, it would take more than 10,000 ships a day leaving Lake Superior to equal the amount of water lost to evaporation in one day. China's current expenditure on its national eco-compensation programmes averaged $8 billion annually over the most recent five year period. But again, Prof. Henderson wasnt attempting to resolve all the issues, just spark a conversation and get comments like yours. The content of this site has been restored on a non-profit basis to preserve knowledge and serve as a historical archive. We cannot afford to conduct business as usual in any area when the old systems and protections are irrelevant to our survival. china stealing water from great lakes With 1/2 of the country in drought, nobody should have our water. The deadly secret of China's invisible armada - NBC News Canada reviewed and approved the agreement. I think someone might notice a project of this scale. Annin directs the Burke Center for Freshwater Innovation at Northland College and Davis is a commissioner at Chicagos Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. prudential flexguard rate sheet That about six quadrillions (6,000,000,000,000,000) gallons, enough to cover the entire lower 48 of the United States with over nine feet of water. More than 30 million people in seven states depend on the mighty Colorado for water to grow crops, fuel power plants and keep cities such as Las Vegas alive. Ensuring the Healthy Future of Our Waters in the Great Lakes Region New Study Finds Affordable Water For All Michiganders Is Possible The Water Affordability . you can help us dredge our dock again next summer. My purpose was to spark a conversation, said University of Chicago law professor Todd Henderson as he touched the third rail of Great Lakes issuesselling water to arid states outside the region. I. Waukesha is 17 miles west of Lake Michigan and resides on the cusp of being outside what is considered the Great Lakes Water basin. Sadly, most Americans are not aware of any of these things. In some areas of Texas, the water is gone completely. There are approximately 3,000 high capacity wells registered with the state. Legally? By using a little-known loophole in the 2006 Great Lakes Compact, Obama minions are allowing Nestle Company to export precious fresh water out of Lake Michigan to the tune of an estimated $500,000 to $1.8 million per day profit. This is false. Also, if you put the necessary legal safeguards in place, putting water flow and health from Michigan and other Great Lakes states first, then why shouldnt we divert, help the countrys agriculture, e.g., NOT other commercially parasitic entities. The large lakes are Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Although the future is not certain, increases in temperature and alterations in patterns of precipitation are likely to affect water levels in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system. 11. Obama Sells Great Lakes Water To China 9,411 views Dec 17, 2013 With the United States as well as the rest of the world suffering from water drought, President Obama is allowing Ch. With record high lake levels wreaking havoc around the region, Henderson noticed the proposed solutions by elected officials and the Army Corps of Engineers were focused on expensive deterrents like hard barriers. All of the lakes are now leveling off and beginning their normal seasonal decline through late fall and early winter. They take water bound for Hudson Bay and divert it to northern Lake Superior at 5,580 cubic feet per second. Im curious if the headwaters are still depleted, or if like the lakes, they are full and flowing now. 15. His calculation is based on the annual average rate, but he notes that the daily evaporation rate can be ten times higher during the late fall. Spot on!!! Illinois had problems paying the lottery winners. Foreign Companies Are Stealing Great Lakes Water, Great Lakes Beaches Across Michigan are Amazing, Michigan Wolves Howl in the Face of Biodiversity Loss, 2012 Great Lakes Water Levels Had Near Record Lows. Companies can collect and bottle water in the Great Lakes region but only in containers of 5.7 gallons or less. One of the most toxic was drywall which contained sulfuric acid, why would you put sulfuric acid in drywall, many people were sickened from it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci. Future generations in the Great Lakes region may have to think about water conservation and sharing as a moral v. a legal question. All the Great Lakes constitute the largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth, holding about 5,472 square miles of water. The revenue from the sale of water could be used to shore up state budgets and provide relief for lakefront communities impacted by the lake levels, Henderson proposed. Ulungur Lake. Sarah is just a victim of the witch doctor not the other way around, Nads. The greatest source of fresh water in the US is the underground Aquifer in the Midwest. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600 Copyright 2001-2023, GoNC, Inc. All rights reserved. OK.think about this..5.5 billion gallons per hour of water flows over Niagara Falls..that flow can be controlled..and a lot of that control at the falls is not for the upper lakes but for the St Lawrence seawaymoney profit can do god fight the infiltration of Asian Carpthe lake levels can be controlledonce again .5.5 billion gallons per hour of water flowed over Niagara Fallsand you know what that potential revenue in the $$$$$$$ billions turns into ..SALT WATER. How long can Great Lakes fend off thirsty world from water diversions Enter by 4/16, We can show you any listing in Wilkes County including HUD forclosures. Every day our ports are filled with imports from China, how many of these items make it to the consumer without being tested for toxic substances. I bet next a bunch of Democrats will be mad at Obama. As of now, China has not joined the convention, representing a key blow to the UN's efforts. Thats what scares those of us who are in the community studying this data pool.. Nestl is able to pump millions of gallons of groundwater for a measly $200 per year DEQ permit. More than 48 million people from the US and Canada depend on the Great Lakes as their source of water. See our affiliate disclosure for details. We need to stop the exportation of water from the Great Lakes to China In comparison, investment in natural solutions that could improve water quality by 10% in China's 30 fastest growing cities would cost about $300 million each year. The deal also supports a new foreign manufacturer, Foxconn, who came to the area due to the plan to divert Lake Michigan water to support an LCD manufacturing operation. Water Levels of the Great Lakes Are Declining. She urged Great Lakes governors to focus on updating the compact. He cited Illinois as an example of where selling water could benefit the state. To nurture his acres of pistachio trees, Tom Coleman has long relied on water from Californias mountain-ringed reservoirs, fed by Sierra streams and water pumped from the massive Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Bottled Water Wars: Legal setback for Nestle - Great Lakes Now We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. INVESTOR TIMES is always open to the incorporation of talent in its team of journalists and editors. List of lakes of China - Wikipedia Unfortunately, scientists tell us that it would be normal for extremely dry conditions to persist in parts of western North America for decades. Re: Swiss Nestle is Stealing Great Lakes Water, Shipping it to China Well they do say the next oil will be water. 13. Yamdrok Lake. Ask the Great Lakes Now Team Your PFAS Question, Beneath the Surface: The Line 5 Pipeline in the Great Lakes, Collection 1 An Exploration of the Great Lakes, Collection 2 Threats to the Great Lakes, Collection 3 Virtual Field Trips in the Great Lakes, Collection 4 Lesson Plans from Our Monthly PBS Program, Industries and public water supplies top list of main consumers of Great Lakes water, Question of Diversion: Great Lakes governors group silent on future water threats, Great Lakes Water Diversions Could Be More Numerous, Drinking Water News Roundup: Climate change and Illinois water withdrawals, clean water for Michigan students, Nestl Exit: North American bottled water brands sold to investment firm, Detroiters can get another 1,125 gallons of water under discount program, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Partnership, U.S. Judge: Flint has 5 months to finish long-overdue lead pipe replacement, Hope springs eternal for Michigan legislator who champions drinking water equity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress,, pub-2848125826401092, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? Lie #3 Obama allowed container ships to come into the Great Lakes, fill up and export our water to the Chinese. Since 2000, Nestle Waters North America sell bottled Spring Water marketed with the Ice Mountain label. Just recently, the Huffington Post ran an article entitled These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think. The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side - Visual Capitalist Just watch out for pet snakes and you will be OK. No but some way or other Sarah Palin will be blamed for it. Look at past choices, responsible behavior and long-term sustainability. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. The Great Lakes system includes five large lakes, one small lake, four connecting channels, and the St. Lawrence Seaway. The Michigan DEQ is powerless to stop the foreign company from proceeding with its plan despite overwhelming opposition. How many boats are loaded with exports to China from the United States? Lack of resources? Support the Coast Guard on the Great Lakes The Great Lakes covers a water area of more than 94,250 square miles and has a coastline shared with Canada of 10,900 miles. Clearly, residents object to the stealing of Great Lakes Water. Lie #4 Foreign companies are pumping water out of the Great Lakes without limits. China Taiwan 1966 Sc#1483-85 Festivals Stamps. MNH. O.Gum. Sc#1485 LH If you dont see a commenting section below, please disable your adblocker. Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. The reason isthis is THE GREATEST SOURCE OF FRESHWATER IN THE WORLD. Stamp - USED at the best online prices at eBay! Most of these comments seem to assume the lakes water level will go back down eventually, but there is no guarantee of that, and what if it doesnt? He also understands that there is a state and federal process to modifying the Great Lakes Compact, the eight-state agreement designed to prevent diversions of the kind Henderson is proposing. Are Foreign Companies Stealing Great Lakes Water? Thumbwind Is it stealing Great Lakes water? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Third Rail Proposal: Selling Great Lakes water proposed to lower lake levels. Writing in the journal Nature Sustainability, an international team of researchers says thieves steal between 30% and 50% of the planet's water supply every year. Studies show that the Chicago diversion is more than offset by a diversion into Lake Superior from Canada. More water evaporates from the Great Lakes than flows over the Niagara Falls every year, according to the IJC. Contributed and forwarded posts and articles at Thumbwind Publications, you did not help me at all and this website wasted my time and was useless. http://forum.bodybuilding.c=129669653is this what you read Fins? Yes of course, but its a SPENDING problem not a revenue problem. Free shipping for many products! "How many boats are loaded with exports to China from the United States? At least now, Nestle and other companies are operating under the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact was enacted by the 110th United States Congress effective December 8, 2008, before Obama took office. Office: 336-903-0060 Cell: 336-957-7600,, Deep Reflection, Inc has 1/2 truckload of Styrofoam hinged trays. Required fields are marked *. All ships entering and leaving the Great Lakes must pass through the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System, where shipping traffic and cargo loads are closely monitored as ships pass through the lock system. Lies About Obama Selling Great Lakes Water To China - YouTube Copyright 2023 Thumbwind Publications LLC, 6 Lies and Half Truths about Great Lakes Water Use, Lie #1 Obama Allowed Great Lakes Water to Be Sold To China as Half the U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis, Half-Lie #2 Companies are pumping millions of gallons of water out of the Great Lakes and selling it to China. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for CHINA - Dragon - 1902/08. He felt more creative solutions were needed and proposed in a Chicago Tribune column selling the excess water to regions in need. Considering the fact that global water supplies are becoming extremely tight, that is an invaluable resource. he he heeee. Third Rail Proposal: Selling Great Lakes water proposed to lower lake "If you continue to have this. OK.think about this..5.5 billion gallons per hour of water flows over Niagara Falls..that flow can be controlled..and a lot of that control at the falls is not for the upper lakes but for the St Lawrence Seaway shipping and Quebec flood controlmoney/ profit can do good fight the infiltration of Asian Carp , lake shore erosion, hydro dams for green energythe lake levels can be controlledonce again .5.5 billion gallons per hour of water flowed over Niagara Fallsand you know what that potential revenue in the $$$$$$$ billions turns into ..SALT WATER !!!!! I have a question. This would create quite a traffic jam at the Soo Locks! As of September 2015 Michigan is, indeed, the only such state, despite the best efforts of Wisconsins republican governor, Scott Walker. Maybe Canada has a secret deal to supply the Chinese and they are only taking the Canadian water. Although groundwater extraction is an important concern for reasons that I wont elaborate here, there is really no comparison with the amount of water lost through evaporation. Holding only 16% of its capacity, Pine Flat is the best example of why there is high anxiety over the approaching wet season. The surface of the Great Lakes acts like an enormous evaporating pan under the right conditions. I still think this would work and solve many problems! A single no vote would have scuttled the citys plan. He said drought-stricken areas are interested in market solutions to water shortages and he believes the marketplace can provide them.