This led him to revealing the truth to the whole of ThunderClan. But its for the best. Tell me, does this have to do with your kits? Mapleshade doesnt say anything, and everyone assumes she doesnt like talking about her dead mate, and that they are Birchfaces. Ravenwing was grateful, Mapleshade could tell. Momma, where are we going? Petalkit squeaked. Were you watching, my precious kits? Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. We will see what Oakstar says about this. She cuffed Wasppaws ear and he protested, following her to the leaders den. She sees him in Mapleshade's training sessions, pummeling a light brown tabby she-cat. Hmm. However, Mapleshade was forced to surrender after Ashfur was defeated by the Lights in the Mist and fled. Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. I should have had all that!.Mapleshade attempting to murder Sandstorm. Ravenwing looked extremely shocked. Appledusk then chose Reedshine as his mate, a fellow RiverClan cat who speaks up in Appledusk's defense to RiverClan. Why?! I went to the back of the den, placing the Horsetail in one of the clefts in the rock. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. This leads me to my final theory, which is the only thing that I think truly makes sense: cats choose to go to StarClan or the Dark Forest. Im tired! Larchkit complained. So when Appledusk tells her he blames her for the death of the kits, hes right. Same thing goes for Hollyleaf. If it is for Crimsonwish, Im gonna take it. Larchkit mews a RiverClan warrior had to save Patchkit. Make more articles! from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. So, I think theres enough evidence to say that Thistleclaws motives were bad. He really had no real reason behind killing kits the way he did by attacking them ("training them."). I could take over the body of a nice, young she-cat-that would do me just fine. Once he was gone, I turned to my littermates. You will regret this, Appledusk. She should be ashamed that she caused so much trouble. This is due to the fact that,unlike most of the other major villains, whose evil actions are driven by a lust for something they've never had, Mapleshade's evil actions are driven by grief and anger over something she has lost. But instead she chose to be lazy and take the fastest and most dangerous way, even if there was no flood. The final reason that I can think of is that maybe cats can do bad things like murder or have motivation to murder, but that if they repent/feel guilty for their actions, then they can be accepted into StarClan and dont have to go to the Dark Forest. Mapleshade took quick gulps from the river. Because she didnt blame one cat entirely, her mind created the visions to be one kit less with each kill. My name is Mapleshade. Well, Mapleshade died after she killed Appledusk, whom she had blamed for the death of her kits as well as blaming Ravenwing and Frecklewish. They are so young and full of potential. I promise you they will grow up just like Birchface, youll see.Ravenwing nodded, understanding. Appledusk confesses to the Clan about what happened, and he vows that his loyalty is only to his Clan; he blames Mapleshade for the kits' death, and RiverClan has no interest in letting her stay. Pouring, actually. Much, much more lies ahead of us, Tigerclaw. She tries to carry the kits across the river but they drown, and when she gets . Super stupid imo. Hi. Appledusk gestured for her to come behind a willow tree, so Mapleshade followed, taking one last glance at the kits. Mapleshade and her kits were then exiled by Oakstar astraitors. Of c-course! Mapleshade, He stated, I have seen an omen. Heres a small Riverspirit lists characters that had insecurities that affected their lives. by that logic, why wasn't Mapleshade accepted into StarClan? Hey. Narrator about Mapleshade's failed accomplishment. Mapleshade is oneof the two overarching antagonists (alongside Thistleclaw) of Erin Hunter'sWarriorsbook series. But my siblings saved me. You will live to regret this day forever, ThunderClan, and that is a promise. However, Mapleshade is rejected by her Clan and is driven out. Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by HollyleafTheGreat Fan Articles November 2, 2020 59 comments 4 min read HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshade's involvement in the death of her kits. Thanks, I whispered, smiling. She finds herself in a dark place and wonders aloud if it's StarClan; a voice tells her that it's the Dark Forest, and she feels glad, not upset, that she ended up there. I added Birchface and Flowerpaw for fun :) Materials I used : Strathmore Drawing, Recycled drawing paper. She admired them quickly. Although now that I'm thinking about it more, Brokenstar could be in the "murdering for fun" group. Art by GrayPillow People empathize with Mapleshade and defend her with the fact that her kits drowned. Scourge | Bone | Jaggedtooth | Fury | Brick | Hoot and Jumper, The Dark Forest Warrior of the Week Gallery #30 - Mapleshade, The Journey So Far: The Place of No Stars. I dont remember if it was raining, or if it were flooding season for the river, but many people say Oakstar would have known, and to that I say so would Mapleshade. Winners of the July 2022 fan challenge + new challenge announcement. Waves of rain spiraled down from the sky, crashing down on the clearing and the roof of our den. So, just murdering someone cant be the reason cats go to the Dark Forest. No! [image description: a brown and white tabby cat sits beside ribbon, some is on its head] HIP HIP HOORAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! There, she tricks Frecklewish into leaping at an adder and getting bitten in the face. They are perfect, Appledusk murmured. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Are Mapleshade kits in Starclan? Cats who betray their Clan should be banished. I feel frozen with excitement! We have all night, after all. Hey Patchyface! It was Wasppaw. It was a plump, juicy one, and I had to resist eating it greatly. Not wishing she were in StarClan. She is often described as ginger-and-white, and once to have white patches, as well as often described as tortoiseshell. My opinion on the warrior code part 2 by Ivywish, Top 5 Cats with HUGE insecurities by Riverspirit, Mojoflight AKA Mojo (She/Her and/or Hu/Hum), Frostpaw/moon is running for Senior Warrior , Was Goosefeather really delusional? You, out of all warriors, should know that. To be rejected twice? Im Appledusk, The dark cream tom replies. When the Clans moved to new territories, Mapleshade followed and plotted with the other Dark Forest cats to destroy them once and for all, takingin and training more living recruits than ever before. Frecklewish hoped that Mapleshade would name one of her kits after Birchface. He sees her killing Frecklewish with adders. Why do you think I'm here? Yes. Appledusk nodded quickly. Mapleshade watched as the three kits ran up to sniff it. But, if tricking StarClan like that is so easy, then why didnt the other cats in the Dark Forest, like Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, or Thistleclaw do that? You will find much better company in the cats here, Tigerclaw.Mapleshade's changed opinion on StarClan. It was entirely, 100% her fault. Hes been spending alot of time in the medicine cat den, and I really need an apprentice. Add to library 5. While Wasppaw was still pinned down by Larchpaw, Petalpaw came out with my mother, Mapleshade. One thing which in my mind seems like a pretty obvious bad thing that could get someone sent to the Dark Forest is murder. Mapleshade murdered kitties because Apple-whats-his-face turned his back on her, and all her kits died and she imagined they were telling her to kill the "wrongdo-ers". Well, Mapleshade died after she killed Appledusk, whom she had blamed for the death of her kits as well as blaming Ravenwing and Frecklewish. I was very sad when he died.. Be patient, and you will find out everything. Why does every single second everyone spends is inspecting my kits?!?! Frequently, the blame falls on everyone but Mapleshade. Bluestar: I will not let my kits be treated like this! Seasons later, Mapleshade started working for Ashfur in the hopes of being able to live again. Mapleshade has mistakenly been mentioned with green eyes. The two other kits nodded, and Appledusk chuckled. Ashfur, however, is a bit more complicated he never actually breaks the code he's only ever given the chance to make threats to murder in the case of trying to murder Jayfeather and his siblings. I dont get how shes so popular when she started her own problems! Powered by WordPress. Ravenwing was checking the herb pile and the roof, and when I asked to help him, he said he was fine. It will be my first time!! that he did actually feel bad after his death. Ravenwing. Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. I blinked. She was proven to be right, as Goosefeather's ability slowly overwhelmed him and drove him mad, without the need for her input. Mapleshade tries to stop them talking, but Ravenwing reveals he had a omen, and thinks it's about the kits, that the kits do not belong in ThunderClan. Join us, Warrior! This is just what I wanted. They can kill a cat in seconds. This is a story about Mapleshade. honestly, I'll never understand why Ashfur wasn't in the Dark Forest. And, Mapleshade would have naturally hated StarClan for causing the exile of her/her kits by sending the omen to Ravenwing. Spottedleaf, dying, tells him that that was never meant to happen and that she couldnt journey with him anymore. There, her lust for vengeance unsatisfied, she plotted against ThunderClan and RiverClan, the clans who cast her out. Mapleshade is listed under RiverClan's character list in the table of contents, just after Crookedstar. She became mates with Appledusk, a warrior of RiverClan, and was expecting his kits. Mapleshade watched as the three kits ran up to sniff it. Patchyface, thats my prey, because I caught it. "Huh," Larchkit says. In this story, Mapleshade drowns instead, forcing her kits; Patchkit, Larchkit, and Petalkit, to go to Riverclan with their real father, Appledusk. However, Mapleshade also had a hidden arrogant, naive and selfish side to her, as seen when she acted possessive over Appledusk and disregarded his concerns regarding their relationship, and at one point resisted the urge to attack Frecklewish when the other she-cat attempted to bond with who she thinks are her brother's kits. Today was also the day of Half-Moon, where us medicine cats go to the Highstones. Mapleshade uncomfortably agrees, knowing that Appledusk is their real father. Stormkit was about their age when he broke his jaw trying to cross the stones. Maybe it's just a matter of how many times you broke the warrior code and how serious these breaks are?Like with Mapleshade, she broke the code like 5 times in the novella I believe and 3 of those times were murder one of which is a medicine cat at the High Stones a place where cats really shouldn't be fighting and especially not killing. He never really wanted to be a warrior anyway.. This is merely a Fanfiction. This is Thesecret1070. Darktail | Rain | Sleekwhisker | Raven | Nettle | Juniperclaw, TigerClan Few who knew the noble RiverClan leader in life could have ever guessed the dark shadow that haunted his every step. Appledusk leaped on to the stepping stones and on to the river. So, if murder was a criteria to get someone in the Dark Forest, this would make sense for cats like Mapleshade, Brokenstar, and Tigerstar who all murdered others during their life. However, Mapleshade ended up breaking the Warrior Code by falling in love with Appledusk, a cat from RiverClan. -mother to three kits Yeah, Mapleshade agreed quicklyand nervously. That place is full of weak-willed cowards who clung to the warrior code like ants to a leaf in a puddle. Ashfur fully intended to murder both Firestar (by his own admission) and Squirrelflights kits. So th kits grow up in Thunderclan. Meanwhile, Mapleshade was also targeting cats in ThunderClan. That was a reminder, and a good reminder. Although I was trying not to let my personal bias cloud my analysis in the post. They arrived at the sunningrocks. You Fool! Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. 674 takers Report. Judging their character at only four moons old?! Being ordered to leave RiverClan's territory without even getting to attend her kits' burial, Mapleshade was heartbroken and enraged all over again, and vowed revenge upon her former mate. Petalkit wrapped her paws around Patchkit's body,while Larchkit leaned his head as to follow his mother. Mapleshade killed to avenge her Oakstar should have gone to DF like exiling a queen and kits really dude. Mapleshadewas a female she-cat born in ThunderClan, one of the fivewarrior Clans, during the time that Oakstar was leader. Thanks! However, after allying himself with BloodClan, a large group of violent stray cats from the twoleg city,Tigerstar was betrayed and slain by their leader, Scourge.