Chronic anemia (f,h) no matter how much liver we ate, we were always on the borderline of anemia. All those parameters are your biological terrain. 23 0 obj Note that although our family had mostly the same parasites, we ended up needing different medications in different doses for a different length of time. There are other supplements that we took, e.g. In our experience, most of the parasite medications we took were well tolerated. Our family has worked on parasite symptoms with every kind of local practitioner MDs, Dos, NDs, DAOMs, GI Specialists, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists. Helminth infectioninduced malignancy PLOS Pathogens, July 2017. Every time I eat I cannot taste the food but the medicine. Let me start with a few quotes from one of Dr. Simon Yu MDs recent articles: Why Are parasite problems overlooked? I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. I do acupuncture meridian assessment. We find that psychiatric medication can turn out to have some anti-parasitic activity this is an interesting phenomenon. <> Worms: Ascaris (ve), Round (ve), Tape (v), Taxonomy unknown (v), Flukes: We had thousands of them. 6 0 obj The most heartbreaking parasite symptom for me is seizures. Dr. Yu finds that treating parasites in his patients with IBS has lead to the spontaneous healing of many other chronic diseases. So infection is a part of detoxification. Simon Yu, MD Prevention and Healing, Inc. 10908 Schuetz Road - St. Louis, MO 63146 314-432-7802, fax 314-432-1971 Parasite Remedies: Guidelines for Taking Medication You have been advised to take parasite medication(s) and you might be wondering, "Yuk! 3Xs" M$ The protocol uses Mebendazole for 18 days a month - beginning 3 days before the full moon. Once encapsulated in a gel pill format, it was well tolerated. Finally one of the local MDs admitted to me that our chances of catching the parasites are about 5% if we test around the full moon and if we are even testing for the correct parasite. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz endobj I only started doing them because of an itchy bum, and I found them quite effective at relieving the itchy bum. Unfortunately there are very few practitioners in the western world who know rhow to diagnose, let alone treat parasites in humans. Andreas Kalcker is one of the leading scientists. Here is a brief summary video: Worms have ~100x the level of metals, toxins, bacteria & viruses that we have in our bodies. The kids are constantly picking them up at school. I use the plastic bucket to get the water started in the tubing, but then actually deliver the enema from a glass jar. There is much wisdom associated with the meridian system.  Disclaimer: The information. Besides chelation, we didnt observe any negative reactions from taking parasite medications with any other supplements. Although our family mostly had the same parasites, you can see that our medications varied widely. The good thing is I believe it is doing its job. I think they are more sensitive than Dr. Yus methods, and they have led us to success in treating parasites. Dr. Simon Yu. And cancer patients had their condition became more stable. Thankful that my eye prescription went from -6.5 to -4.5. We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. Paul is an ordained, Non-Denominational Minister with over 40 years of experience in ministry to people of all different Faith Traditions. Perhaps, but leaving our bodies with chronic parasitic infections makes them prone to other infections and diseases. I highly respect Dr. Yu and his work. Note that I havent done final blood testing to confirm that the anemia is 100% gone yet, but preliminary tests indicate that it is. I'm not interested in naming the name of the parasite. They also start to acclimate to the medications. They weren't. As an unknown threat that we often overlook parasite, fungal, and dental problems. However, we saw no evidence that it helped with our parasite issues. As you work through your customized protocol, you'll positively influence your terrain by supporting your body's drainage pathways, your natural detoxification processes, the health of your gut microbiome, and your body's ability to repair cells and tissues.*. from Washington University and an M.S. These unexpected miraculous results have lead Dr. Yu to believe that parasites and dental infections are major contributing factors in 90% of all major chronic illnesses, including cancer. We always test combinations of medications before we take them. 7 0 obj I now fully agree with him. In 2001, I was in Bolivia on a mission for Indian natives. But medical professionals are afraid to treat parasites unless we can identify and name the type of parasites. Key: v=visual meaning I saw them coming out, e=confirmed with ZYTO, ASYRA, AMA, home testing but I never saw them with my eyes: For about 5 years we tried every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment we could find. Guilt. z Prof. G.Steidl protocol: Rizol Gamma - 10 drops in water, t.i.d. Im going to try to group our parasite symptoms into what I think caused them. 17 0 obj Parasites all have lifecycles that include egg sac production. We used our home energy testing to find out if we should use Diethyl or Mebex (see videos below). Now that several years have passed since we initially cleared parasites, I can report that on average, we need about 3 rounds of parasite medications per year. Veterinarians are in a similar situation we arent even de-worming our pets, let alone ourselves! The described approach(es), suggestions and advice may not work for you at all, or may require modification to suit your individual case. As usual, they are in rank order from the most important puzzle piece to the least important puzzle piece. It was all just phenomenal. What is your opinion of it? As always, any medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority. Dont kids usually have night wakings? 29 0 obj !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? He served as a medical officer in the US Army Reserves for 25 years, retiring as a full colonel. Not so much. <> At first I was totally grossed out and freeeked out when I saw these things coming out of us. Dr. Yu discovered parasites are an underestimated source of many diseases after serving as a Reserve Medical Corps Officer in South America doing parasite treatment for large numbers of people. He then did a provocation technique which puts additional stress on the system to find previously hidden or unrevealed issues. endobj This was based on our home energy testing and ZYTO. If interested in finding out more about Acupuncture, the benefits you may obtain for a particular ailment or condition, or to make an appointment, please call our office. In August, I wrote a blog about attending Dr. Simon Yu's Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training course. He had to look much harder than the first time; employing even more advanced provocation techniques to unmask any remaining stressors. Professional Organizations: American College of Physicians (ACP), American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM), and other integrative medical organizations. It was also not well tolerated in enemas. My body could have perhaps tolerated larger, longer doses of parasite medications had I first cleaned up my liver a bit. To find a doctor familiar with diagnosing and treating parasitic infections, consider the following: Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a specialist. to my work, I thank you in advance and send you my gratitude. (Dont feel pressure to click on the pictures. The book explains in detail the Kelcker parasite protocol. 10.6K subscribers Simon Yu, MD: Dental, Parasites, and Energy Medicine: missing Links for Medical Incurables Presented at IAOMT's 2016 Annual Conference in Reno, NV. With DNA tests, we often find not only all different microbes but parasites such as protozoa and entamoeba that go down to the gut. Simon Yu, afterward we did some days of internship with Simon. How do you prevent parasites in humans from becoming established? I am of the opinion that it will take at least 12 months for a long-standing infestation. Medications depend on how well the body detoxes and how well the liver and kidneys function. Posted 2/12/2014 11:52 AM (GMT -8) Has anyone here heard of or seen Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis before? Visit this page for good information about those who believe they have parasites in or on them that no doctors can see or . Sometimes they are praziquantel/mebex/diethyl, sometimes nutrients, sometimes drainage/ detox remedies. It's hard to get rid of parasites if you have a dental infection. <> For more details, see the article How to Give a Child an Enema. We do 2-3 enemas per week, for about 2 years. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. Read COVID-19 and Hidden Coinfections in The Health Care Blog. Not sure exact species (ve), Protozoan: Blastocystis (e),Babesia (e), some others showing up too, but these 2 were the only ones consistent across all (e) methods. This is the best time to detect parasites. endobj She also had a cyst in her face where she felt them moving. Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. Klinghardt has suggested that when it comes to parasites, this is where some of the pharmaceutical options really shine and are often necessary. Quote from Better Health Pinterest. We felt very ill. Check out the detailed instructions and tips for a gallbladder liver flush. To learn more about our data collection practices, please visit our Privacy Policy. Nope. 11 0 obj Many of us in western civilization DO have parasites. So, back on three more ten-day cycles of parasite treatment with an additional three liver-gallbladder flushes. Overall, the medications testing the best for us were Mebex, Diethyl, Praziquantel, and Ivermectin. Noone is deworming themselves, let alone their pets these days! oCx#? We found that Diethyl is not always well tolerated. If you would like to. Ph (480) 588-2233. endobj I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. A: I am of the opinion that probiotics feed worms. We invite you to sign up for my newsletter. If they respond to Alinia or Tinidazole, maybe I'm dealing with protozoa. While he's not requesting to see me again for a year, I'll definitely be back. It has been an honor and a blessing for me to have the opportunity to work with him. we didnt expect these to improve when we started treating parasites). Lots of steps, not a straightforward process, and unfortunately no practitioner with enough understanding to lead us all the way through. We sometimes noticed parasites coming out immediately, but often they came out the morning after the enema. Copyright 2021 Prevention & Healing | All Rights Reserved | Privacy. Here is a Youtube Video with details about the glass jar method. Light therapy: We tried various versions of this. Many say that heavy metals act as an antennae for EMFs. There are a few scientific studies about this [4, 5], but the mainstream media has also written a few articles. The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. We started with enemas first, and then the Kalcker protocol. in Wuhan, China. Dr. Klighardt recommends Garlic-Wormwood suppositories every night for 60 days. This includes testing Additional Medications with the Kalcker Protocol medications. Check here first - this is an excellent resource. I did suppositories nightly for at least 60 days with whatever was testing well for my parasites, and I often switched it up during those 60 days. I would put them on natural parasite remedies like wormwood, black walnut, clove oil, and patients generally got better. is not a substitute for medical care and is not intended to address individual situations and needs. Finally, he found the only point that was imbalanced - it was the allergy immunology point.