He obviously doesnt understand fundamentalism very well. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. Brown and his cronies are way above admonishment and correction, their pedestal is somewhere in the third heaven. And Jesus made it difficult for the rich young ruler to be saved (Mk. Wow!! social gospel), he doesnt speak the truth about the true gospel, nor about some of the false gospels. lions led by donkeys for and against. Within these doctrines is self-denial and self-death and self-abandonment, a lost sinner forsaking all to follow Jesus (Matt. best lebron james cards to invest in; navage canadian tire; is festive ground turkey good. 28:18-19). You will live happily and your children will live happy, I can tell you story after story after story, I can go on Ive got a dozen stories, I cant tell you all things I have come across That is ungodly and fear-mongering. I mean a lot. missionary spencer smith critique new jersey explosion today. He taught false doctrine about repentance, grace and works, faith and fruits, regeneration versus carnal Christians, and the deity of Christ doing great damage to the nature of the Gospel itself. User-created playlists and collections; Download episodes while on WiFi to listen without using mobile data; Stream podcast episodes without waiting for a download; Queue episodes to create a personal continuous playlist; 2:20-21), or worse yet, we are identified with the false teachings and the false teachers themselves (2 Jn. This is a very classic CCM ballad melody. I guess God mustve forgotten to put that in His Word. 1. Its a sellout to impress the need he has for money (which was spoken of prior, in the context). All you have to do is look at what people wrote and said in that day, in newspapers, reports, books, etc, and then the fruit of what actually happened and who these guys were, not just Roberts but also Evan Hopkins and Jesse Penn-Lewis, and read their own ungodly and heretical writings, and in very short order the truth comes out. First of all, every born again Christian is called to preach." This is a very classic CCM ballad melody. Wow. Brown would not take a stand against Schaaps false doctrine and practice though he knew of it. Rom. He taught a universal church. So is that showing love to God when he is not being a witness of these things? Spencer and his wife graduated from Sextons Crown College and were members of Temple Baptist Church for 5 yrs (which is pastored by Sexton). And Weve seen a lot of churches started. Online describing The results of our 2019 IBOM Kenya Conference are: 5 Church Dedications, 300 in the Providence Baptist College, 40 Graduates of the Providence Baptist College, and 2,114 saved. barry mcguigan, daughter funeral; missionary spencer smith critique 2:3-5; Jn. I remembered he said he didnt think all reformed people are damned so thats good. Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog. He has monetized his Youtube channel, and is also brings in funds that way. 1:1-4; Gal. 1. 3:11; Jam. The word unbelief is applicable in scripture only to lost Jews, since it is only ever mentioned in the context of Jews, because of their privilege and opportunity, with their divine covenants and being Gods people (Rom. Roberts was a demon-possessed scoffer walking after his own lusts (2 Pet. I frequently watch Spencer Smith. (see for example: 2 Cor. 1:9-16) and accursed of God (Gal 1:6-9). Maybe Spencer does that, but its not true for most of fundamentalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Welsh Revival was indeed sharply criticized because it was NOT of God but of another spirit (1 Jn. Instead of saying about Ravi Zacharias preaching in the Mormon tabernacle, it is very tragic that he handled it that way, Spencer should have renounced him for the heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing that he is, and for a lot more reasons than just his ungodly association with a cult. Interestingly, me and him share the same spiritual day of birth, only 4 years apart. Fundamentalism is known for its compromise in areas of denominational differences, heresy, false gospel, cheap and carnal soul winning tactics, baptism, false teachers, etc. 1:8; 2:10-12; 3:2; 2 Pet. 3. 1:9 for example) which automatically extends to preaching the gospel to every creature (Lk. boundtree continuing education; can you be charged under ucmj after discharge Fundamentalists separated from others, those deemed liberals, for not believing and teaching what they called the fundamentals. (Galatians 2:11-14)(Who was Jesus chosen that he'd build the church on.). Gods wrath is not on the lost because of their unbelief but because of their ungodliness and unrighteousness: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (Rom. I still think its a good Bible in spite of all that. In this video he also gives way to much credibility to those in evangelicalism, claiming some of them to be saved just compromised or ignorant to the truth. elder, bishop, overseer) or deacon for that matter (Likewise must the deacons 1 Tim. In spite of the gross heresies, sins and wickedness of Jack Hyles, all of which was public knowledge, Hutson continued to defend Hyles and promote his influence. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. Well that is exactly what Evan Roberts did, even worse, but Spencer is either willfully or intentionally ignorant to it. Before I was converted I was in the home of Elvis and did lots of research on him. Smith did know Glasgow well, but Edinburgh (where he later worked as Secretary to the University) was gloriously exotic. He continues on, There aint no reason to make it harder than that. But its not Biblical. After the Welsh Revival (where he did various signs and wonders) in 1912, which was seven years after he vanished from the forefront of activities, from the spotlight which he so cherished, he co-authored (with Jessie Penn-Lewis) the book War on the Saints, where they confess they were both demon possessed and wrote the book out of their experiences with demons. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. I guess Gods arm is shortened after all, that it cannot save (cf. Sexton continued to embrace and praise these ungodly heretics like Hyles after everything had come to light (calling him a man of God who fell) and then Schaap in 2011 after his blasphemous teaching on communion was brought to the public spotlight (see here Clarence Sexton Praises Jack Schaap and Clarence Sexton Lies Again For Jack Hyles and Clarence Sexton Continues Praising Jack Hyles, Schaap, and John Stancil) and up until Schaaps statutory rape of a child was made public there was much promotion of Schaap by Sexton in print and video on the websites used by the Baptist Friends group that was founded and led by Sexton; but then they all disappeared without a trace or explanation. There are many very solid Biblical reasons why not to listen to Casting Crown music, without even considering their associations. 9. They werent even close to being right with God or spiritual or being used by God. 1:6-9, 13-14, which he will anyway if he is truly born again (they are evidences of salvation as well). 5:5; 8:31-39)? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The bible labels these people mostly as lost. ). 4:8; Heb. Our sending church is Lighthouse Baptist Church . None of these are some minor little problems. Fundamentalists are champions of pragmatism, and do not reject pragmatism or unorthodox forms of methodology and they certainly do use carnal means to accomplish spiritual goals. They will do that. promises), which is similar to the heretical word-faith teachings. I mean all, which is something that Spencer and the rest of the Old Boys Club would never admit, because it doesnt fit the man-centred man-worship and man-exaltation of the extremely man-centred pragmatic Old Fundamental Boys Club, but Gods Word however is VERY clear on it! Missionary Spencer Smith is an Independent Fundamental Baptist. It was the foundation of salvation preaching. He is very brave to be so compromised. A brief flashback prologue with Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) being rescued by someone who . No wonder he could say this without supporting it with scripture. 16:17; Ti. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. They separated only over the fundamentals, so they unified or fellowshipped merely if someone believed and taught the fundamentals. Hutson denied that repentance means to turn from sin (p. 4), rejected that it is sorrow for sin (p. 8), and denied that it means a change of mind that leads to a change of action (p. 16), so he concluded that repentance is merely to change ones mind. That is a perverted gospel (Gal 1:6-7) which means he was accursed (Gal 1:8-9). All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. Supported the gap theory. He embraces Southern Gospel, which is just another form of CCM, and then also CCM itself, with the fleshly self-promoting squeaky syncopated nauseating singing, as seen in this music video he has on his channel (https://youtu.be/XbpRwUH07PY). 3:1-7 a man, husband, his, he) that is married (husband of one wife . He popularized and essentially canonized Keswick teachings in this Reference Bible, which is false sanctification (e.g. It unifies light with darkness. His warnings are very soft. No pastor is ever to be reproved or rebuked regardless how wrong he is. Spencer is unable to let go of his philosophical creeds built on man's carnal mind and not Christ. No one should be promoting Larry Brown, who is a false teacher propagating a lot of errors and damnable heresies (2 Pet. As a result, so much of the Bible is not obeyed in fundamentalism. 1:5), who are responsible to confirm prayerfully and practically all the qualifications are met (Tit. Scripture doesn't support unity on just fundamentals. They are a major backbone of the Keswick theology, and the Pentecostalism that arose out of it, which provides all the more evidence that they are corruptions of Biblical Christianity. I focus on Rice here maybe more than probably needed, but its to prove an important point: Rice is often touted as this great fundamentalist, like Spencer does, and many people read him especially among IBs, but he was not who he set himself up to be. Besides these things, there was some truth taught. As noted with the example of Ravi Zacharias, a heretic and wolf in sheeps clothing, whom he refused to denounce in the video The Falling Away. Snce that time even more evifence has comdHe doesnt speak against the carnal circus he calls church that he preached in during deputation, where the house was overflowing with people and whoever brought the most visitors won an actual car (6 Great Lessons From The Welsh Revival, time 03:00). From what I see, I think I would like Spencer at a personal level. Spencer has a few promotional videos on Hutson preaching. 3. He taught theistic evolution. Fundamentalism isn't in the Bible. Spencer Smith should not be using and definitely not promoting this seriously corrupted Reference Bible written by a heretic, crook (fraud) and serial adulterer (divorced and remarried three times). Rigggght. He has some good warning videos and he is addressing things that most people wouldnt, and I also like his affection for the confederacy and General Robert E. Lee, but the concerns obviously cant be overlooked since they run contrary to Gods Word and are dangerous. This is what is required (and more) to obey the gospel (v. 16), but the context tell us that Israel as a nation has never received Gods stretched out hands, for they are a disobedient and gainsaying people. (v. 21). Is there any scriptural justification for such a concept? ). Ill leave it at that. On a side note, many of his videos have feel-good elevator music playing in the background, which is both concerning and dangerous. Or any other preacher in the Bible? Really. I strongly disagree with him on a number of points. . ntcplanters 2 yr. ago. Whether its being preached in truth or not is the difference between life and death, Heaven and Hell. 24:44-48; Mk. 11:12-15) and the false teacher (2 Pet. They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. Ive spent much time with folks from southern USA (I went to university in the USA three different times) and have friends from there, saved and unsaved. Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. 306 talking about this. In his 1986 booklet, "Repentance: What Does the Bible Teach?" Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. Spencer and his wife graduated from Sextons Crown College and were members of Temple Baptist Church for 5 yrs (which is pastored by Sexton). What things? Roberts plainly stated that he had endured demon possession, and claimed that being possessed was key to the content of his writings on demonology. 3:1-10) and a major mark of salvation (e.g. These things should not be taken lightly. Christs suffering, death and resurrection on the third day (Lk. Scroggie also embraced the possibility of contemporary speaking in tongues and embraced the heresy of the universal church instead of practicing separation, which he despised. . 2:11-13 Matt. So who then can fill the office of pastor? RUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! 13:24). Does the Holy Spirit not indwell and lead him and teach him? he completely corrupted and wrested Rom. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. Here is another one: https://youtu.be/DqBVoYKW-OE. Our allegiance must always be first and foremost to God and His Word, for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Gal 1:10). I am of the mind that no spiritual gift can be taught simply because a gift is, by definition, free to the recipient. (d) Rice embraced and taught the heresy of In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty. (e) Rice believed and taught the infamous Keswick (and hence Pentecostal) heretical hermeneutics in placing experience over grammatical exegesis, especially seen through his perverted views and beliefs on the Holy Spirit. Lost Gentiles arent primarily in unbelief, they are in disobedience (2 Th. . 11:4). 1 58 dom to express your beliefs to another willing listener, such as in missionary work; and freedoms related to the internal affairs of churches, including the establish-ment of Church doctrine, the selection and regulation of priesthood leadership, and the determination of membership criteria. We see that with Jack Hyles and thousands of Hyles-type of churches including Pembina Valley Baptist Church of Winkler, MB.